It’s been argued that language was humanity’s most outstanding achievement. With language, people can communicate with one another, foster the development of relationships, and establish a sense of community.
Without language, it would be highly challenging for humans to interrelate with one another. Sans language, it is unlikely that all of the team collaborations that resulted in today’s breakthroughs would have taken place. If language didn’t exist, we would most likely still not have TESLA, SpaceX, etc. I don't think we would even have sent anybody to the moon. Such a project requires the total collaboration of thousands of intelligent minds. It is Language that has made it all possible. In short, this planet would be far more chaotic if people couldn't communicate with one another through language.
Language has been and still is our primary means of communicating with one another. We use it to express what it is that we want. It also allows us to articulate our thoughts, propagate our ideas and beliefs, explain our positions, and persuade others.
However, language in its current form is not universal. Even people who speak the same language can misunderstand each other. A seemingly harmless phrase can have malicious connotations to those from a different culture. For instance, English sentences in the United States can have different meanings to the English-speaking people of New Zealand, Australia, Scotland, England, etc. So even amongst the one billion English-speaking people, perfect understanding is not guaranteed.
To make matters worse, people's languages in many provinces are distinct. Even worse, people typically speak a different tongue on the other side of a country's boundary. There are 7,000 different languages in use now across the globe. But even among people who speak the same language, perfect understanding is not easy.
It is in this light that we should realize how important translation is.
Translation serves as the bridge between different peoples, ideas, and cultures. It enables people from different locations, and cultures to understand each other, share ideas, collaborate, and uplift their lives. Bright ideas, medical breakthroughs, and location-based jurisprudence are all shared and understood thousands of miles away because of accurate translations.
Translation, which dates back some 2,000 years, has evolved to its present form. Most importantly, we have regulating (rating) bodies that certify translation companies. Services have also improved, and we can now finish translating documents on the same day. Accuracy has also increased as we have long ago considered cultural meanings when we do our work.
Imagine a World Without a Translator
The Spanish Group is taking the lead in providing the most accurate translation for its clients. For immigrants and international students, we can accurately translate your legal documents from Spanish into English in record time. Indeed, our translations are both factually and culturally accurate, for we employ a professional Spanish translator to handle your documents. Whether translating documents from Spanish into English, English into Spanish, Dutch, Malay, or any of the more than 90 languages we serve, we only hire professional experienced translators.
Culturally Accurate Translations
What is the connection between translation and culture? And why should translations need to be culturally accurate? Translation and culture are intertwined since cultural environments make a big difference in the meaning of every sentence. People in every locality develop unique ways of going about their daily lives and form phrases with deep meanings as they interact. Such meanings may be unique and not easy to decipher if you're an outsider.
As a translator, you must be aware of such peculiarities and adapt your translations to them. This applies to both the language being translated and the translation language. A translator should also be mindful of the cultural implications of his sentences. Such a process is something an amateur can easily overlook. Yes, the average bilingual can easily miss cultural meanings when translating a statement.
Ignoring cultural nuances can cause the intended meaning to be lost entirely. Worse, the translated sentences can mean the opposite of the intended message. A lack of cultural context can be problematic, especially when the meanings are essential.
To ensure that cultural meanings are never lost, we translate legal documents from Spanish into English using only a professional Spanish translator. For now, that is the best way. We also employ native speakers of more than 90 languages that we support. This ensures that our work is always factually and culturally accurate.
To summarize, language enables humans to interact and spread knowledge. However, physical and cultural boundaries can prevent the seamless transfer of information between peoples and cultures. Therefore, translation was developed to serve as a bridge of ideas. Translation, however, cannot capture and transfer the purest intentions of the message if cultural nuances are not factored in it. To be accurate, a translation should consider the source's intention and the recipient's culture.